EFOY ProCabinet

Stationary complete energy solution

Efoy Pro Cabinet 4060sxMainsite Wasserzähler Offenes CabinetEfoy Pro Cabinet Blitzer MotorraederOil Gas Application Simark CabinetOil Gas Simark EfoyEfoy Pro CabinetEfoy Pro Cabinet 110w 4060sxEfoy Pro Cabinet 220w 4120sxFernueberwachung Pipeline Brennstoffzellen 4Efoy Pro Cabinet 4060SEfoy Pro Cabinet 500w 4260sxBlitzer Straße VerkehrstechnikEfoy Pro Cabinet 110w 4120sxAutobahn Bayerische Strassenbauverwaltung

Outdoor energy solutions

EFOY ProCabinets are complete outdoor energy solutions for self-sufficient, stationary power supply with EFOY Pro Fuel Cells – completely without mains connection. The stationary complete energy solutions consist of a control cabinet with space for one EFOY Pro Fuel Cell and, depending on the application, one or more fuel cartridges and batteries. EFOY ProCabinets can be designed according to individual requirements and thus offer sufficient space for individual installations. In addition to the standard solar charge controller, different types of charge controllers, for example a GSM modem for remote monitoring of the system or a voltage converter for voltage adjustments can be installed.

EFOY ProCabinets are suitable for stand-alone operation or as a back-up solution for an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). With a power consumption of 50 W, the EFOY ProCabinet with two MT60 tanks provides reliable power for 2,640 operating hours or 110 days, without user intervention.

Overview EFOY ProCabinet

Depending on the temperature at the point of use and the power requirements, various EFOY ProCabinet models are available which are tailored to the respective requirements. EFOY ProCabinets are complete solutions with different unique features for reliable and environmentally friendly power supply.

EFOY ProCabinets for EFOY & EFOY Pro 900/1800/2800
EFOY ProCabinets for EFOY Pro 12000 Duo

EFOY ProCabinets for
EFOY & EFOY Pro 900/1800/2800

EFOY ProCabinets are available in a variety of sizes and enclosure types to meet your requirements. The models range from permanently installed control cabinets to semi-stationary cabinets for mast or wall mounting. EFOY ProCabinets are compatible for hybrid operation and are often used as back-up solutions or extensions for solar systems. They can be customized and various remote monitoring components and connections are optionally available.

Overview EFOY ProCabinet2020S-32020SX-32130A-34020S4060S/SX4120SX

Enclosure Type



double-walled aluminium

insulated powder coated steel

insulated powder coated steel

insulated powder coated steel

Vandalism & Theft Protection








ground, wall or pole mount

ground or pole mount

ground mount

ground or pole mount

ground or pole mount

ground mount

System Type








urban areas

urban areas

long-term use in remote areas

mid-term use in remote areas

long-term use in remote areas

long-term use in remote areas

Operating temperature

-20 °C to +50 °C

-20 °C to +50 °C

-20 °C to +50 °C

-40 °C to +50 °C

-40 °C to +50 °C

-40 °C to +50 °C

Compatible EFOY & EFOY Pro Fuel Cells

EFOY 80/150
EFOY Pro 900/1800/2800

EFOY 80/150
EFOY Pro 900/1800/2800

EFOY 80/150
EFOY Pro 900/1800/2800

EFOY 80/150
EFOY Pro 900/1800/2800

EFOY 80/150
EFOY Pro 900/1800/2800

2x EFOY 80/150
EFOY Pro 900/1800/2800

EFOY Output Power

40 to 125 W

40 to 125 W

40 to 125 W

40 to 125 W

40 to 125 W

125 to 250 W

EFOY Fuel Manager






FM4 or 2x FM2

EFOY Fuel Cartridges

2x M10

2x M10

up to 4x M28
or 2x MT60

2x M10

2x M28

4x M28

Energy Autonomy (Fuel)

22 kWhel

22 kWhel

124 kWhel

22 kWhel

62 kWhel

124 kWhel

Battery Voltage

12 / 24 V

12 / 24 V

24 V

24 V

24 V

24 V

Battery Capacity

1x 60 Ah

2x 110 Ah

2x 130 Ah

105 Ah

105 or 150 Ah

400 Ah

Solar Charge Controller





25 or 60 A MPPT

60 or 96 A MPPT

Max. Solar Array

440 Wp

440 Wp

1,000 Wp

900 Wp

900 or 1,800 Wp

1,800 or 3,600 Wp

Remote Monitoring

Modbus TCP / EFOY Cloud

Modbus TCP / EFOY Cloud

Modbus TCP / EFOY Cloud

Modbus TCP / EFOY Cloud

Modbus TCP / EFOY Cloud

Modbus TCP / EFOY Cloud

EFOY ProCabinets for EFOY Pro 12000 Duo

Applications with higher power requirements can easily be covered by the EFOY Pro 12000 Duo with 500 W output power. The compact design allows installation in various cabinet variants. EFOY Pro Cabinets for the EFOY Pro 12000 Duo are compatible for hybrid operation and are often used as a back-up solution or extension for solar systems. They can be customized and various remote monitoring components and connections are optionally available.

Overview EFOY ProCabinet2260A4260S/SX

Enclosure Type

Double-Walled Aluminium

Insulated Powder Coated Steel

Vandalism & Theft Protection




Ground Mount

Ground Mount

System Type




long-term use in remote areas

long-term use in remote areas

Operating temperature

-20 °C to +50 °C

-40 °C to +50 °C

Compatible EFOY Pro Fuel Cells

EFOY Pro 12000 Duo

EFOY Pro 12000 Duo

EFOY Output Power

500 W

500 W

DuoCartSwitch (DCS)

2x DCS

2x DCS

EFOY Fuel Cartridges

up to 4x M28 or 4x MT60

4x MT60

Energy Autonomy (Fuel)

264 kWhel

264 kWhel

Battery Voltage

24 / 48 V

48 V

Battery Capacity

4x 200 Ah

500 Ah

Solar Charge Controller



Max. Solar Array

1,000 Wp

5,400 Wp

Remote Monitoring

Modbus RTU / Remote monitoring

Modbus RTU / Remote monitoring

Quiet and environmentally friendly

Thanks to environmentally friendly power generation, the EFOY Pro can be used in nature reserves as well as in closed vehicles and rooms.

Discover all benefits

Questions and answers about
the EFOY ProCabinet

Is it possible to adjust the switch-on/switch-off thresholds?

Yes, all current EFOY Pro Fuel Cells allow the switch thresholds to be adjusted. Please check the battery data sheets from the manufacturer regarding the permissible values before installation or activation. Further information is available in our user manual.

user manual

Can an EFOY Pro fuel cell also be monitored?

Yes, remote monitoring is possible with a modem. Please contact our partners or send an email to [email protected].

What is the temperature range in which the fuel cell operates?

EFOY Fuel Cells can be operated in a temperature range from -20 °C to +40 °C. EFOY Pro Fuel Cells are even designed for temperatures up to +50 °C. Should you require a power source to operate under more extreme conditions please contact us.


User Manual

Is it possible to connect more than one fuel cartridge to one EFOY Pro fuel cell?

The Fuel Manager (FM) allows you to operate several EFOY fuel cartridges with one EFOY & EFOY Pro. Depending on the model, two, four or eight fuel cartridges can be simultaneously connected. The Fuel Manager automatically switches from the current to the next full fuel cartridge and ensures a long self sufficiency without user intervention.

Using the DuoCartSwitch you can connect up to four fuel cartridge to the previous generation EFOY Pro 800/2400. For more information please contact us.


Are EFOY fuel cartridges approved for transportation?

EFOY fuel cartridges were designed to meet the highest safety requirements from the very beginning. Fuel cartridges are also approved and labelled for road, sea and air transport.

We are happy to help you personally!

+49 89 673 592-555

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