Outdoor energy solutions
EFOY ProCabinets are complete outdoor energy solutions for self-sufficient, stationary power supply with EFOY Pro Fuel Cells – completely without mains connection. The stationary complete energy solutions consist of a control cabinet with space for one EFOY Pro Fuel Cell and, depending on the application, one or more fuel cartridges and batteries. EFOY ProCabinets can be designed according to individual requirements and thus offer sufficient space for individual installations. In addition to the standard solar charge controller, different types of charge controllers, for example a GSM modem for remote monitoring of the system or a voltage converter for voltage adjustments can be installed.
EFOY ProCabinets are suitable for stand-alone operation or as a back-up solution for an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). With a power consumption of 50 W, the EFOY ProCabinet with two MT60 tanks provides reliable power for 2,640 operating hours or 110 days, without user intervention.