Road weather stations

Reliable, off-grid power for more traffic safety

Verkehrstechnik Winter Straße Sonne StraßenwetterstationArbuz Magadan Highway Notfall Container Schnee EfoyproStrassenwetterstationen YiuwnafxGlg UnsplashStrassenwetterstation F3FtTLqzl18 UnsplashArbuz Magadan Highway Notfall Container Schnee Efoypro Solar Bedeckt


Road weather stations measure precipitation and temperatures on roads and bridges in order to recognise the risk of ice, therefore improving safety on roads and preventing accidents.

Power requirement Between 300 and 1200 Wh/day

The challenge

The reliable provision of off-grid power around the clock, especially in winter when there is little sunlight and temperatures are low, is a particular challenge. Solar modules alone are not able to guarantee the power supply.

More traffic technologies

Radar cameras

The solution:
EFOY Pro Fuel Cells

EFOY & EFOY Pro Fuel Cells reliably supply your traffic management systems with power. The fuel cell can simply be integrated into a control cabinet where it can supply existing batteries with power or be combined with solar modules.

More about EFOY Fuel Cells


The combination of EFOY Pro Fuel Cell and solar energy system brings together the best of both technologies. Only when sufficient solar power can no longer be generated, does the fuel cell turn itself on fully automatically to re-charge the battery, therefore bridging the energy gap. Reliable off-grid power on 365 days of the year

Find out more about additional benefits

“Power in any weather”

Previously, we were not able to guarantee a reliable power supply using only solar power. The effort to replace batteries is significant. With the EFOY Pro, we are not only sure that the system has power in any weather but we also save a lot of money by not laying power cables.

Eric Recht, Hydroservices, France

EFOY energy solutions used worldwide

Road Weather Stations

The Benefits of EFOY Fuel Cells Within Road Weather Stations

According to recent statistics, there are more than 2400 road weather stations located throughout the United States alone. [1] Often referred to as a road weather information system (RWIS), each of these units serves a handful of important purposes.

The typical road weather information station is designed to provide real-time information including (but not necessarily limited to):

  • Visibility
  • Wind
  • Harsh conditions such as rain, sleet or snow
  • Temperature (including road surface temperatures)
  • Pavement surface status (such as the presence of ice or pooling water)

Each road weather station (RWS) will thereafter send this data to a centralised location. It can then be used to issue advisories to drivers as well as to better appreciate any safety hazards that may be present within a real-time scenario.

These traffic technologies have come a long way in recent years and one interesting advancement comes in the form of the type of power supplies that they rely upon. Let us therefore examine some of the reasons why EFOY Fuel Cells are becoming commonplace within road weather stations.

What is an EFOY Fuel Cell?

These types of fuel cells are associated with direct methanol technology. The primary intention is to convert chemical energy into a means to generate electrical power. The methanol found within these fuel cells uses oxygen from the environment to produce electricity. Not only is this an extremely efficient system, but the only byproducts are water vapour, heat and minute levels of carbon dioxide. It therefore offers a host of environmental benefits. [2]

The Relationship Between EFOY Fuel Cells and Road Weather Stations

Although some road weather stations may be hard-wired directly into an electrical grid, many now rely upon batteries as a source of power. This is advantageous due to the fact that the road weather stations can be mounted in locations that might not have access to mains electricity.

The only issue is that the batteries themselves can and will become depleted over time. Their lifespan will depend on variables such as temperature, moisture and how much power they supply. The average time required for a battery to lose more than half of its power is approximately three years. [3]

One of the ways to address such a situation is to outfit road weather stations with the EFOY Fuel Cells mentioned in the previous section. However, there are several unique aspects of these systems that make them the ideal solutions for modern road weather stations.

First and foremost, the EFOY Fuel Cells will proactively monitor the status of the batteries contained within road weather stations. In the event that the power level dips below a predetermined threshold, the fuel cell will immediately send power to the battery. It then enters into a standby mode once the battery has been fully charged. [4]

What Other Benefits Can EFOY Fuel Cells Offer Road Weather Stations?

We have already mentioned the proactive nature of EFOY Fuel Cell technology. As opposed to manually recharging numerous road weather stations (or suffering from an entire loss of power), these cells will automatically charge a depleted battery without the need for any type of human intervention. This saves time as well as money.

Furthermore, it is crucial to note that road weather stations can also be used to address security issues. One typical example involves an RWIS that has been attached to a series of radar cameras in order to monitor how fast vehicles are travelling along a busy motorway. [5]

As the cameras attached to road weather stations tend to draw more power from the onboard batteries, the presence of an EFOY Fuel Cell will help to ensure that they remain functional. This could help to prevent serious traffic accidents that might have otherwise occurred.

EFOY Fuel Cells are easy to install within road weather stations, they are highly durable units and they require very little ongoing maintenance. When we consider the fact that road weather stations are becoming commonplace in many parts of the world, it only stands to reason that they should be equipped with the most reliable technology.

A Step in the Right Direction

EFOY Fuel Cells are already present within countless road weather stations and this trend is expected to gain momentum in the coming years. Of course, the associated technology is also moving forward at a breakneck pace thanks to the innovative approaches embraced by the team at EFOY Pro.

Not only will road weather stations provide accurate meteorological data on a 24/7 basis, but they can even save lives. Modern fuel cells boast a second-to-none sense of redundancy and their environmental benefits cannot be denied. Without their presence, modern road weather stations would not be nearly as reliable as they have become.

Further questions and answers about road weather stations

What are the advantages of the EFOY fuel cell in road weather stations?

The following information can be provided in real time:

  • Visibility
  • Wind
  • Bad conditions like rain or snow
  • Temperature
  • Condition of the road surface
Why do we need road weather information systems?

Road weather information systems are important to support a variety of road maintenance activities, making our roads safer. Furthermore, the costs of a winter maintenance service can be saved.

How does a road weather station work with the help of the EFOY fuel cell?

EFOY Fuel Cells proactively monitor the condition of the batteries in road weather stations. If the power drops below a certain threshold, the fuel cell immediately sends power to the battery. Once the battery is fully charged, it switches to a standby mode.[4]