EFOY Pro Fuel Cell for Wi-Fi routers

Power supply of Wi-Fi routers for communication in Japan

EFOY Client: iO Lab & YEC Solutions Inc.
EFOY Partner: Toyota Tsusho Corporation

Cube Mit EFOY Pro PfeilerCube Mit EFOY Pro Und Videoüberwachung2019101109450001.jpgCubes Mit EFOY Pro

Point of departure

The company iO Lab develops IoT communication solutions for customers, for example for construction sites. Depending on local conditions and the required number of masts, construction projects can take several years. In most cases, workers work in groups on different masts. In the process, they need to communicate with each other to exchange information about work progress and special events.


During the maintenance and construction of transmission towers in many remote regions of Japan, there is no stable mobile network to enable communication between workers. Therefore, Wi-Fi routers are used, which must be powered to ensure uninterrupted communication. Without communication capabilities, working conditions become increasingly difficult and dangerous.

The Solution:
EFOY Pro 2800

The EFOY Pro 2800, the latest fuel cell generation, is the ideal power supply solution for this application.

more about EFOY Pro 2800

“Thanks to reliable communication, construction progress can be communicated more quickly, and hazards can be prevented or eliminated faster.”

EFOY Pro fuel cells provide reliable and environmentally friendly energy in the mountains of Japan. Thanks to the EFOY, communication between workers is ensured and offers them logistical advantages through the easy transport of fuel.

Tomoya Hioki, Toyota Tsusho Corporation


To ensure stable communication, a Wi-Fi router was installed at approximately every third mast at a distance of 1 km. Each router is supplied with power by an EFOY Pro 2400 JP Duo. The EFOY Pro 2400 JP is a predecessor model to the EFOY Pro 2800 JP, with its rated power of 125 W.The fuel cells work reliably and ensure permanent communication between the workers. The use of methanol not only offers environmentally friendly aspects, but also logistical advantages due to the easy transport of the fuel cartridges. EFOY fuel cartridges ensure a long and reliable operation of the Wi-Fi routers in the mountains. Another advantage for this application is the low weight of the EFOY, which allows an easy installation and removal.


By using EFOY Pro fuel cells in construction work, workers can easily communicate with each other. This is ensured by the continuous power supply of the Wi-Fi routers by the EFOY Pro. Before the use of fuel cells, the work process was much more risky for the workers, as dangerous situations could not be communicated due to the lack of communication. Thanks to reliable communication, construction progress can be communicated more quickly, and hazards can be prevented or eliminated faster.